Hello every one, In this article we will discus Malathion Insecticide and its important factors such as its chemical composition, Trade name, Mode of Action or mechanism, recommendation against which insect it work, and special precautions for spraying it.
Malathion is a systemic insecticide that belongs to the neonicotinoid class. It damage the nervous system of Insect, Which may result in paralysis and death. This insecticide is majorly used in the agriculture sector to protect the crop.
Also read:- Carbosulfan
Chemical composition of Malathion
Malathion is an organophosphate insecticide. Full detail are given below.
- Chemical formula- C_10H_12O_6PS_2
- Molecule weight- 330g/mol
- Chemical Name- O,O-Dimethyl S-(1,2-dicarbethoxyethyl) phosphorothioate
- common Name- Malathion
Chemical Element –
- Carbon – 10 atom
- Hydrogen- 12 atom
- Oxygen – 6 atom
- Phosphorous- 1 atom
- Sulfur- 1 atom
Chemical Structure group
- Phosphate Group- In this, Two atoms are connected to the phosphorous atom, first oxygen atom is connected by double bonds and second sulfur is connected by single bond.
- Ester Group- There are two ester group connected to the phosphorous atom, first ethyl ester and second methyl ester.
Malathion formulation
- Wettable Powders (WP)- It is powder form Which is dissolved in water to form a suspension for spraying. Then we spray it in our field, It is used for many pest in many crops.
- Granules (G) – It is in solid form, we sprinkle it on our field applied it directly. We use it for soil treatment in garden or lawns.
- Liquid concentrates- It is in liquid form and when water is added to it, is become thinner and we spray it to drive away insect.
- Suspension concentrates- It is a very thick liquid which has to be diluted by adding water before spraying so that it can be sprayed.
- Aerosols- It is pressurized and filled in a box. We use it to kill insects at home or in the garden.
- Microencapsulated Formulation – It is kept in the form of micro capsules to do it with time so that it can be done smoothly as soon as the time comes.
- Ready to used solutions (RTU)- This is an already prepared solution which is further mixed into the solution and it is then applied directly to it.
- Dust- It is used as a dry powder to treat specific areas such as cracks.
- Solid Granules or pellets- When we have to spread it over a large area, we use insecticide in the form of solid granules.
- Emulsifiable Concentrate- It is a concentrated liquid which form as emulsion and then spray.
Most popular trade name of malathion available in market
- Malathion 57% (EC) –
We use it to drive away insects present in agriculture field.
- Malathion 50% (WP)-
It is use to kill insect in the field.
- Malathion 25% (EC)-
It is used to control insect in vegetable, fruit and cereal crops.
- Malathion 8% –
It is used to spray or fogger to kill mosquitoes and flies etc.
- Ovide –
It is used to kill lice.
- Cythion-
We use it to drive away insects present in agriculture field.
- Fyfanon-
It have 90% malathion.
Also Read :- thiamethoxam
Target Insect
They affect the following insects.
- Agriculture Insect – Leafhoppers, aphides, Whiteflies etc.
- House holder Insect – Ants, Lice including head, cockroaches etc.
- Garden Insect – Caterpillar, Termites, spider mites etc.
Application Method
In this, we first dilute it by adding water as per it recommended dose, Then we spray it on the plant leaf or soil through the spray machine.
Granular Application
In this, first of all we take the recommended only the form of granules, After that we sprinkle it on the soil and plow it and mix it.
Drench Application
In this, we dissolve it in water as per its recommended does and pour it directly near the root.
Here we apply each insecticide through syringing on the affected areas.
Surface Application
Fly insect such as mosquitoes are killed by fogging (ULV).
Mode of action or How to Effect insect
It helps in reducing the enzyme Acetylcholinesterase which is present in the nervous system of the insect. it get converted into acetylcholine which causes irritation in the stomach, It start causing a lot of pain inside the insect which is unbearable. Due to this, insect start spreading a lot and eventually lose their lives.
Personal safety to application Malathion
Also read :- Systemic herbicide
Read label-
We should carefully read the guidance written on the packet of insecticide. This guidance is written by its manufacturer.
Leave Area-
We should should leave area for 24-48 hours after applying this Insecticides.
Wear protective clothes
We should wear safety clothes for our personal safety ex- Protective clothe, goggles, gloves, protective footwear, long pant and mask etc.
Store properly
We should keep the insecticide at a safe place where no animal or children can reach and it use in a well banded bag where no air can enter. When air gets inside the insecticide, it may spoil.
First Aid
We should know first aid before the any incident occurs to insecticide Ex-
(i) Inhalation
After applying insecticide we should go to fresh air. other wise you may feet suffocation.
(ii) Avoid Skin Contact
After applying, we should wash our hands and feet thoroughly with soap and water.
(iii) Avoid Eye contact
After applying, we should wash our eye thoroughly with water for about 15 minutes